Meet Kinruglog, Orc Child of Five
If you're unfamiliar with D&D 5e Orcs, their lifespans tend to be around 50 years old. As a result, my five year old friend is actually hitting puberty. Alone. He has not seen another orc in about four years. He remembers having family - a mother, a father, an infant sister and an older brother - but remembers nothing else about them. When he was two, he followed a childhood Hobgoblin friend to a rigorous Military Camp. He remained there, under the guise of a hobgoblin, until his friend told him to leave. She was sure he would get in trouble for for being there as an Orc.
So Kinruglog ran. He met a Firbolg monk named Epee, and he stays with the monk for some time, learning his language, teachings, and fighting styles. One day, he's asked of his racial background - as Orcs are not well-known in this world - and again, he ran. He did not want trouble.
He decides to make himself up to look like a goblin, and develops identity issues as a side effect. A year later, he meets several travelers in the town of Clifftop....

And there begins our current campaign. A synopsis and discussion of our campaign will be posted on Youtube by our Dungeon Master DragonBastard Games


I'm building a portfolio of every Playable Character in DragonBastard Games's current D&D Campaign. This is one of several D&D inspired portraits Read More
