The Horizon Air Meet was a large event that took place in Maine in the summer of 2012. It featured RC aircraft as well as a full-scale aircraft performance and opportunities to try product out first hand. Horizon Hobby worked with a local promoter to stage the event. A wealth of materials were created, including print advertising, a website, promotional materials and giveaways, t-shirts, posters and brochures that were distributed throughout the area. The idea was to make the event as appealing to general audiences as possible to open people up to all that radio control has to offer. Final executions by Chris Sims and Ted Nowlin.
The Air Meet logo was one that I created myself. We had a very tight deadline (about an hour and a half) because it was decided fairly late in the day to create a logo for the event. The logo was created so that the Horizon Hobby logo could easily join with it in many applications, or it could stand on it's own as needed.
The website was created to be informative and appealing. A subtle parallax-scrolling effect was used on the clouds in the background. Final execution by Chris Sims.
Air Meet Identity

Air Meet Identity

A brand identity created for a large radio control event that took place in Maine.
