
100cm x 100cm / 130cm x 100cm
Inkjet-Print on Alu-Dibond
00:01:00 min Loop HD Video Projection
Through long-time exposures at night, I engage with darkness and try to show what lies beyond. In my diploma series "Encounters" the uncanny becomes the subject of my photographic research. I fuse the boundaries between romantic mythology and science fiction, to create a unique atmosphere within the artwork. The technical aspect of the uncanny in photography particularly fascinates me: how can a camera consciously produce the uncanny and what associations trigger this feeling when looking at a picture. The uncanny in photography arises when what we thought we had recognized as reality suddenly turns out to be a photographic technique. With the help of long-time exposure, flashlights and drones, I create an atmosphere of the uncanny in a familiar environment. The light alienates the landscape into an uncanny scenery and a reality of its own emerges within the photograph. In the series “Encounters”, moors from Germany and Scotland function as an intermediate world between land and water and are the sources of people's fears, which often result in sightings of supernatural phenomena. The series plays with our associations of science fiction, folklore, myths and the ability of photography to depict reality. The light manifestations change continuously from encounters with extraterrestrial objects to mystical will-o'-the-wisp in the heath. Usually, the pictures are mounted on Alu-Dibond and shown framed on the wall, but for the Lumix festival, I am open to new and innovative presentation methods. My video works accompanying the photographs is not a single narrative; it represents an extension of the photographic works within aesthetic perception. As well as the photographs, the video installation is flexible to be shown indoors or outdoors.
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