The illustrated alphabet includes 26 stylized portraits of famous scientists. All illustrations are drawn in Photoshop.
25 images without letter N-Alfred Nobel. A-Louis Agassiz, B-Bell Alexander Graham,       C-Marie Curie, D-Charles Robert Darwin, E-Albert Einstein, F-Rosalind Franklin, G-Jane Goodall, H-Stephen William Hawking, I-Kiyoshi Ito, J-Karl Jansky, K-Lord Kelvin, L-Mary Leakey, M-Dmitri Mendeleev, O-Robert Oppenheimer, P-Louis Pasteur, Q-Helen Quinn,  R-Ernest Rutherford, S-Erwin Schrödinger, T-Alan Turing, U-Harold Urey, V-Vladimir Vernadsky, W-James Watson, X-José Carlos Caetano Xavier, Y-Robert Mearns Yerkes,  Z-Ahmed Zewail. 
Alphabet 2019


Alphabet 2019

My alphabet design using the faces of famous scientists.
