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Fitness in 20 minutes, Strength training in Qatar,

Getting Started With Strength Training — True Story From Former First-Timer

Fitness and I have been on opposite polar ends all my life. I never had enough time and my weight just kept on increasing to the point where I would not like to look at myself in the mirror since I was personally ashamed of what I had become.
 A dear friend of mine, who was the witness to my struggles, suggested that I give up on the fad diets and stop wasting my money on the gyms and find a proper solution to my dilemma. She suggested that the Women fitness center near me, offered just 20 minutes per week of personal training but the results were guaranteed!

Intrigued by the idea that I would not have to spend hours in the gym, I decided to check it out and went in for a free trail session at fit20.  Here is walk you through my first day of experience with them. I walked into a room that was filled with these extremely fancy machines and was completely empty.
I just assumed the center wasn’t doing that great, but later the trainer explained it to me that fit20, being a Women fitness center in Qatar, only trains one on one and it was done on an appointment basis so that we don’t have to worry about feeling conscious when working out! I fell in love with that concept there and then! It was perfect since I did avoid the rush hours at the gyms since I was always uncomfortable with the judgemental eyes that would pass me.
I was carrying this side back to change into my gym clothes so I asked the trainer where I could change or shower after the workout, but to my surprise- she claimed that I could complete the whole 20 minutes of workout without breaking a sweat so I would not need to change into any gym clothes. This was the first time I heard any Women fitness center in Qatar make this claim!
What a joy!  I do not have to spend gym clothes!
But then the warning lights in my brain started blaring up- HOW? How can I get in shape without breaking a sweat? All I knew about fitness was that if I don’t sweat it out, my burger belly will not go in! And I had visited every Women fitness center near me , they all claimed that if I would commit to sweating up a storm, I could get in shape!
Then why was fit20 making such an unusual claim?
My doubts had clearly become visible on my face, because the trainer was kind enough to explain the science of fit20 before I start the workout.

She explained how they use strength training is their core value and during the 20 minutes, how they apply calculated pressure on my muscles so that I fit into my clothes better and start growing my muscles!
She further explained how being a women, this was essential to me, since this would prevent the early onset of osteoporosis, ( I knew the pain that one suffers from it, since I had seen my granny suffer from it). She further continued as to how shocked she gets when she realised that no Women fitness center in Qatar focuses on strength training which is crucial to our wellbeing.
Now as she continued to walk me through the machines, she did ask me if there was something in particular that I would like to focus on- I just blurted my back and balance. Both of which had been severely affected since I started my 9 to 7 job.
Being the impatient millennial that I am, I asked by when I could feel or see the changes in me. The trainer claimed that I would feel a lot stronger after the first session, but I would definitely see the results within a month. Again, No Women fitness center near me had dared to make that claim!
So, I hopped onto the machines and followed the instructions for the next 20 minutes. Honestly, I did not realise when the 20 minutes had passed, because I was drained physically after the workout and I did not sweat a single drop! (It is possible, that the extremely cool environment that they have setup is the cause of that)
But 4 months from that day, I have become addicted to it and I can’t wait for my weekly appointment. I have never missed one since I am feeling the change myself! I am full of energy; my back has improved dramatically and I have stopped toppling over wherever I go!
Who knew the solution to all fitness issues was strength training!
And I can now personally vouch for it being the best and the most time efficient solution that you can try out!

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Fitness in 20 minutes, Strength training in Qatar,

Fitness in 20 minutes, Strength training in Qatar,


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