In 2018, at Stuck in Plastic, we ran a photography project centered around 52 human values and emotions with the goal of exploring our inner child.

My goal wasn't necessarily to make 52 photos, but rather associate one of my existing photos with each of the values or emotions.

These are the original photos I picked for each of them and posted on social media.
02 - Self-Confidence
03 - Toy Photography is Fun
04 - (Un)Fitness, when you feel like you don't belong here
05 - (In)Security
06 - The Emotion of Winter
07 - The Spirituality of the Nordic Wilderness
08 - Bravery
09 - Going to a toy safari is all about Community!
10 - Recognition
11 - The feeling of Nostalgia when you look how far you have come
13 - The Passion to create. A passion for music. Or a passion for toys and photography.
14 - The Joy of Winter
15 - Respect the Wilderness
16 - Flexibility of a T-Rap
17 - Un(Integrity), when things go wrong and you don't feel whole again
18 - Commitment to painting
19 - Leg Godt
20 - Grace
21 - Wealth is to be found at the end of the Rainbow
22 - Honesty, sometimes you need to be honest with yourself and admit you suck at painting
23 - Dino Surprise
24 - The Hope that the sun will come back
25 - Eagle in Action
26 - Quality Painting
27 - The Power of Hiking
28 - Longing for the Fair snow
29 - The challenge with T-Rap: Balance
30 - When nothing works and you feel Anger against yourself
31 - The Achievement of catching Nessy
32 - Humility, when you suddenly feel so small in comparison to the Universe
33 - Wonder of Nature: The Northern Lights, Nordlys, Revontulet, Norrsken, Polarsken, северное сияние, Guovssahasah, Norðurljós, йыӈэттэт, yakąįh, or zheekąįh
34 - Self-Growth
35 - The In(Humanity) of Aliens, Dragons, Dinosaurs and Gollum
36 - Freedom: do what you want 'cause a Pirate is free!
37 - Sadness
38 - The Sensuality of the Nordic outdoors
39 - Faith in your own future
40 - Responsibility when the world is falling apart
41 - Harmony of the great outdoors
42 - Leadership of the Snow Queen
43 - Equality in shortness
44 - The never-ending quest for Happiness
45 - Trust
46 - The forbidden secret Love between a Sheep and a Bunny
47 - Light as Inspiration
48 - When your senses are telling you to stop. When you know it is unreasonable. But your feelings can't be stopped and defy Reason.
49 - Compassion of a friend
50 - (Un)Intelligence, when you just feel lost like an idiot
51 - Fear of the future
52 - It's that time of the year to leave the North to go back to South to visit Friends and Family


In 2018, at Stuck in Plastic, we ran a photography project centered around 52 human values and emotions with the goal of exploring our inner chil Read More
