Devin Wolfenberger's profile

Don's Pizzeria - Flyer Ad

Project (using Sharpen): Create a flyer for a local pizza company. Make 2 different designs.

Name: Don's Pizzeria
Colors: Pulled colors from pizza used in the flyers.
Fonts Used: Roboto, Times New Roman

My goal during this session was to create a design that caught the readers eye by focusing on kerning and only using 2 fonts. First, I utilized google and a found a few pizza ads, this helped me get an idea of what other companies used to grab the readers attention. While studying other flyers and creating my own layout using them as inspiration, I wanted to pick vibrant colors that made you think of pizza; or ingredients used to create one. After deciding on the colors I wanted, I created a simple logo to represent the company I quickly created. 

Critiques, comments and likes always encouraged! 

   1. Mock-up:
   2. Pizza:
   3. Pepsi:
             1, 2, 3, 4

Don's Pizzeria - Flyer Ad


Don's Pizzeria - Flyer Ad

My goal during this session was to create a design that caught the readers eye by focusing on kerning and only using 2 fonts. First, I utilized g Read More
