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Fashion Editorial: a subdued love

a subdued love 
with subdued hues.
what do you associate with love? or shall i ask, what is love associated to? love is many things, but what do you make of it? how do you perceive it? if i told you, love isn’t that flamboyant as is shown in pop culture, would you beg to differ or accept my proposition? 

love is quiet; it does not call for attention. rather, it is in the things that go unnoticed. the little joys of life, the nature that blooms so selflessly every day and the people who come and go. 

take a step down from the romanticized notions of romance, love and affection. look at life subtly, look as you go and look as the wonders lay before your eyes. 

what is love?
waiting for you, here is love.
love is a soundtrack.
love is a vision.
love waits.
love anticipates.
love is in sharing.
love should not hide.
love isn’t fearful.
accept the love
reward yourself with the 
trials and tribulations of 

Fashion Editorial: a subdued love

Fashion Editorial: a subdued love

A fashion editorial in line with the pastel colour palette revolving around the theme of love.
