Polaroids, also known as “digitals,” are a model’s best friend and worst enemy. Polaroids are simple pictures of the model, both close up as full length. They can be in clothes and underwear. Polaroids show what you look like without all the fancy hours of make-up, perfect outfits and photoshop. They show the real strength of the model. It is important for agencies, casting directors and clients to know what you really look like. As this is usually the same way you would show up at the job. A good set of polaroids is almost as important for a model as their entire portfolio. 

A little while ago I got asked by Linda Models to take polaroids of her models. As polaroids are frequently requested and need constant updates, agencies spent lots of hours just taking these pictures. Which is where I come in: making this process easier by creating the polaroids for them. I booked a studio and they sent me their models. Below some of the results. Let me know in the comments what you think! 

Models in order of pictures (all from Linda Models):


A little while ago I got asked by Linda Models to take the polaroids of their models. As polaroids are frequently requested and need constant upd Read More


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