What this project is about:
Woolworths needed an internal video to communicate key areas of focus when recruiting and working with service providers.  

Understanding the entire process and breaking it down into four key areas. And then building a unique piece to drive those points home.

I included more storyboard revisions into the quote, allowing for drafts to ensure the content and visuals were as effective as possible before animation began. Once those boards were signed off, it only took one draft on the animation and this project was a wrap.
Woolworths is a large company. It's tough to head into a new direction that the brand may not be familiar with. It was a statement in itself to show independent creative problem-solving capabilities. In turn, this project brought about the Sir John project. Which was a big deal.
This is a earlier storyboard draft. The style was approved very quickly and then the content became the main area of focus to get the copy right.
Once the storyboard was approved, I gave the client an animatic to get a sense of spacing and music. This allowed the client another chance for feedback on copy before animation began. It's always a bit more time-consuming to do fundamental changes once animation has already begun. 


