Mark Riggs's profile

"People VS Greed"

This is a logo design I threw together in the early morning of May 19, 2013 to help support a Twitter friend (@peoplevsgreed) who is working to start a new Facebook page & website.
The fonts used are: "Alfa Slab One" and "Axure Handwriting"
The colors used are: White, black and /208,61,61/
The people silhouette (in black) and the character & partial dollar sign symbol are modified clipart found online.
Like the logo, the above icon & t-shirt designs (in that order) utilize much the same clip art, as well as the same fonts & colors.  These were further developed later in the day after further discussion with my friend Elaine (@peoplevsgreed).
If you are interested in protecting the health of the people & animals, the state of the Earth, fighting for our rights and more - be sure to check out her links:

"People VS Greed"

"People VS Greed"

This is a collection of graphic designs I am putting together to help support a Twitter friend (@peoplevsgreed) who is working to start a new Fac Read More
