Kinga Kovács's profile

Pathogenesis, 2019

Pathogenesis • installation • 2019
Exhibition: Lábas Ház, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Romania
Briefly about the project​​​​​​​

My work, "Pathogenesis" is a response to our consumer society, a society which is not aware anymore of the consequences of his actions. Pathogenesis describes the origin and development of a disease, and whether it is acute, chronic, or recurrent. The word comes from the Greek pathos ("suffering", "disease") and genesis ("creation"), this describes exactly our behavior and lifestyle on this planet. All this is represented through those chopsticks, 718 in numbers, which are closing quickly to the rice man. The posture of the man and the fact that he doesn't have a face are also reflecting our actual social problems like social solitude and self-esteem issues. All this leads us to a point where we don't even realize anymore, that we fully exploited our planet and ourselves. This is the point where we become our own disease.

Photo documentation by Gergely Ernő Endre - KreatiworK

The Making-Of


Thank You!

Pathogenesis, 2019

Pathogenesis, 2019

Installation project on my solo exhibition in 2019
