Susanin Fitness is a fitness club for modern youth in the new microdistrict of St. Petersburg - Parnas. I design several zones: walls, entrance, lightning, hallways, wardrobe, sales department, yoga and gym rooms and navigation systems. Colored blocks on the wall help people navigate the club with an area of 3,000 square meters. I took the graphics from the corporate identity, which we developed specifically for this space.

Waiting area
Entrance and reception
Yoga room
Yoga room
Entrance hall view from the second floor
Hallway and back entrance to the women's locker room
Susanin Fitness Club


Susanin Fitness Club

Дизайн проект для фитнесс клуба, оформление стен, проектирование навигационной системы, освещения. Design project for a fitness club, wall decora Read More
