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Ascendas Reit Germany Board Meeting Trip Itinerary Book

Ascendas Reit Germany Board Meeting Trip Itinerary Booklet 2019
Designer / Purlyn Teoh 
Client / Ascendas Reit Singapore (A member of Capitaland)
Date /  September. 2019


Ascendas Reit is Singapore’s first and largest listed business space and industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) with a portfolio diversified across five major segments of the business space and industrial property market. As one of Singapore’s REIT pioneers, Ascendas Reit has played a crucial role in the development of the Singapore REIT sector, providing an attractive platform for investment in business park and industrial properties in Singapore.


Personalise itinerary booklet for our client "Ascendas Reit Singapore" board meeting trip in Germany, included personal flight details, essential information, route and other information.
Ascendas Reit Germany Board Meeting Trip Itinerary Book

Ascendas Reit Germany Board Meeting Trip Itinerary Book
