The Rush Hours...
Eartharth, an alien lands on earth to learn art. He has definite objectives when he comes to Earth, however those go for a toss when he sees that his potential almamater (earth, particularly India) is itself suffering from hypocritic people like Jeevith who function in disorganised setups leading to traffic jams on roads, clusters on stations, markets, etc. and more chaos. That is what instigates Eartharth to use his powers and become the 'Trafficman', the so called superhero that he is now, to redress all traffcking.
This was incorporated in a form of a ten series Comic Book for Tzinga. This is a project in progress.
Initial Characterization
Initial Characterization
'Eartharth' transforming into Trafficman. Here his tattoos act as his Power Source.
The Comic


The Rush Hours... Eartharth, an alien lands on earth to learn art. He has definite objectives when he comes to Earth, however those go for a toss Read More
