Dr. Atomic Poster

Student project while at Dawson College in the Graphic Design Program
Poster design for the Dr. Atomic opera symphony. The creative brief was to create a graphic representation of what our chosen opera symphony evoked. Listening to the music over and over, you established a mood, look and feel.

The poster features Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, "father of the atomic bomb" himself, overlaid with graphic elements which could be portrayed as blood of the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The typography, slightly askew and right over his eye could suggest the weight of the decision Dr. Oppenheimer had to make, bordering on scientific glory to human massacre.
It felt necessary to take inspiration from the era of when this tragic moment in history occurred, therefor I decided on keeping the colours monotone and dark with a halftone effect on top.
Dr Atomic

Dr Atomic

Student project while in the Graphic Design program at Dawson College. Poster design for the Dr. Atomic opera symphony. The creative brief was t Read More
