Duo Design Partners's profile

University of Washington

University of Washington
The Washington Way is progressive, open-minded, tolerant, creative, inspire achievement more than tradition. And it is not simply the UW way. It refers to the shared values and collective mindset of an entire region. A region that continues to shape the way the rest of the world thinks, lives and works. This collaboration with the University of Washington resulted in a complete rebrand of their brand message and marketing materials. The unified brand system affected all schools and departments within the university, bringing disparate brands and marketing efforts together in a single voice and look and feel. The look and feel was then extended for the Foster School of Business as well as many other schools and offices within the university.
Made in partnership with the creative team at DNA Seattle.
University of Washington

University of Washington

The Washington Way is progressive, open-minded, tolerant, creative, inspire achievement more than tradition. And it is not simply the UW way. It Read More
