Hunting has a long history and may well pre-date the rise of the species Homo sapiens. There has still remained something in a human nature from prehistoric times. 
Primary duties of hunters is improving and protecting the environment for wildlife and feed animals especially during winter.
Hunting in these times does not exist just for itself. It completes the systematic care of the wild animals. It should regulate weak species for maintain a healthy population. Many restrictions governs hunting nowadays. Range of active and past favourite ways of hunting is prohibited, significantly reducing the number of species that can be hunted and when ungulates are strict criteria for breeding. Successful outcome of the hunt is mainly conditioned by the knowledge of the biology and behavior of animals and practical knowledge.
Common hunting is actually a collective hunt, which shall be composed of at least three shooters and one huntdog. Since the common hunting involved a greater number of shooters, beaters and hunting dogs are difficult to organize, and all participants requires rigorous discipline and compliance with all rules of safe shooting. Biggest responsibility of the Head hunter, which initially inform participants with the animal species that are allowed to hunt with the overall deployment, safety regulations, checks the documents and gives instructions on opening and closing of hunting. One in a half year there is one big hunting with around fifty participants.
The end of hunting is followed by a festive discard. The discard is arranged by animals in rows - ungulates, foxes and other small carnivores and small feathered and furred animals. They are located on the right side and lined with branches of conifers and in the corners burns little bonfires.  The following photographs are taken just from this ritual. The hunting is always ended by a Head hunter who communicate the result and thanks to all participants.


Hunting has a long history and may well pre-date the rise of the species Homo sapiens. There has still remained something in human nature from pr Read More
