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Book Cover - And Then There Were None

Book Cover - And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
As a school project, we had to create a book cover, the author and the book being of our choice. Being one of my all time favorite books, I chose to redesign Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”.
The idea.
The challenge with a murder mystery book, is that the cover cannot show too much of the story to avoid giving it away. As the characters in the book are sent to a secluded island where they are killed one by one, I decided to illustrate the environment in which the story took place. I opted for a minimal design style,with different tones of a purple color palette, to intrigue the reader about what could happen in this book. I represented the 10 characters with the windows, designing the same number and the one being lit representing the murderer.
Book Cover - And Then There Were None

Book Cover - And Then There Were None
