Vanessa Gong's profile

Rotate, Rotate, Reflect and Pout

Fine Arts
Rotate, Rotate, Reflect and Pout
from the Geometric Boobs series

2013 | 1 piece

167 handmade pyramids painted with acrylic, 
wood canvas and matte varnish
52 w x 52 h x 7 d (cm)

In 2011, I moved from Sydney to Bergen. This piece expressed my mood at the time - adjusting for culture shock. I started to analyse hundreds of prearranged pyramids. Followed by grouping, correcting and covering some of them, recomposing into a structured composition with an extra focus along the bridging line.The piece allows four different views served by each rotation. With altering lights and shadows, it has been reminded me of what changed and what ought to remain.

'Where has the master key gone'
the smallest piece
-  SOLD  -
Rotate, Rotate, Reflect and Pout

Rotate, Rotate, Reflect and Pout

The largest and smallest pieces from 'the Geometric Boobs' series.
