"Mechanical Ballet" is a robotic installation that emphasizes the hidden soul in apparently inanimate objects. A symphonic concert and mechanical ballet of motorized lights. In a dynamic and rhythmic crescendo engaging, hidden lines of light and sound are revealed, stripped of their protective covers the motorized lights are amplified by the use of high precision microphones, which will make the "voice" of the objects audible. Synchronized in single movements or in choir, the robotic choir will give to the public a real mechanical orchestra. Symphony of detail, revelation of the microscopic, rhythmic management of the chaos, for a complex staging that takes a life of its own when human support is no longer necessary. 


A project by: Quiet Ensemble 
Sound Design: Fabio Sestili 

Camera: Ippolito Simion
Video editing: Marcello Rotondella 
Sound revisited: Arssalendo
Mechanical Ballet

Mechanical Ballet
