Project name:   Volvo centre (Showroom & cervice centre )
Stage:   concept / student project
Proposed location:   Ukraine / Kyiv / V.Brozhka street
Area:  4 417 m2

The main shape-generation idea was to link the building function and its shape. The fact that building serves as a service centre & showroom gave the idea to use new model of Volvo 60 Wagon 2019 as a primary design reference. Its dynamic lines and smooth shape-transitions are easily noticed in facade design.

In a such way, side of the building is similar to radiator grating, front facade part along the street reminds of smooth surface of the car body.

Likewise,from some angles project looks like tramedous futuristic sport car, that was parked in the industrial area of the city.
General volume consists on 3 blocks. First floor of administration block is devoted to repair area needs mostly , 
second - for showroom.
The simpler the better , right ?  Following that concept the bulding plan was made up . 
Receipt :
1 х Simple volume
9 x Cuts
1 x Rotation
Salt and pepper to taste....
Transfer diagrams



Conscious & elegant design for industrial architecture? How? Here I will try to explain you all my decisions step by step...
