Book Cover Project
The aim of this project was to use photography by a way to convey symbolism through an ordinary object and then, design the cover of a book using the image symbolism.

The story is set in London towards the end of the 19th century. Basil Hallward has painted a portrait of a handsome young man, Dorian Gray. Thrilled by the beauty of the painting, Dorian Gray wishes that he could always stay as young as his image in the picture. He gives up his soul to achieve this wish. 

Dorian sets out on a life of self-indulgence and evil. His behavior seems to be reflected in the portrait and he realizes that his wish has come true – the portrait is beginning to show a corrupted man while he remains unchanged physically.The years pass and Dorian leads an increasingly depraved life, but the years have no effect on him; he looks as young and beautiful as ever.  Dorian tries to carry on with his immoral life, but he is tormented by feelings of guilt and decides that the only way he can make up for what he has done is to destroy the painting. In the climax of the story Dorian tries to kill the man in the portrait but kills himself in the process.

Symbolism on the cover:
- Dual appearance
- Beauty
- Evil
- Ambivalence
- Temptation
- Desire

Project for ART 235 - Graphic Design
Brigham Young University - Idaho
Book Cover Project

Book Cover Project

The aim of this project was to use photography by a way to convey symbolism through an ordinary object and then, design the cover of a book using Read More
