Ariadne Gomes's profile

Roundy / The first easter egg made with beer

Skol has everything to do with celebration but Easter wasn't a holiday that had much to do with beer. Why not using this as an opportunity to place Skol in the occasion? This way we decided to unite the chocolate (the most representative icon of the holiday) with Brazil's largest beer, creating “Skol Roundy”: the first Easter egg in the world made with beer.
Results: 550 Kits delivered ; 450 kits sold in 80 minutes; Over 190 thousand interactions; 50 thousand likes; 22 thousand shares; 12 thousand total comments on the brand’s fan page; 79% positive mentions concerning the action; Unprompted Media: 5,127,681 estimated hits over 100 thousand domestic unprompted media return; ZERO media investment.
Web Film Launch
Special Delivery
We developed an algorithm to identify the most engaged fans on our Facebook page. They received the six packs in their homes, unexpectedly, delivered by a beautiful and sexy “Bunny Ladie”.
Facebook Fanpage
Facebook egg hunting
Email marketing
Diretor de Criação: Fabio Fernandes | Eduardo Lima | Theo Rocha
Head of Art: João Linneu
Diretor de Arte: Pedro Pinhal
Redator: Rodrigo Visconti

Diretor de Tecnologia: Paulo Pacheco
Programação: Ariadne Gomes | Jefferson Russo
Editor de Conteúdo: Gustavo Mayrink
Atendimento: Marcello Penna | Carmen Rodriguez | Larissa Avila
Planejamento: José Porto | Guilherme Pasculli | Rafael Paes
Gerente de Projetos: Aline Veríssimo | Vivian Mo
Mídia: Tiago Santos | Cris Omura
RTVC:  Caroline Bonani / Regiani Pettinelli
Ateliê de Chocolate: Folie
Parceria de vendas e distribuição: Flores Online
Direção e Edição: Marcio Leitão

Aprovação | Cliente: Jorge Mastroizzi | Harry Lewis | Clarissa Pantoja | Maria Fernanda Albuquerque
Roundy / The first easter egg made with beer

Roundy / The first easter egg made with beer

Skol has everything to do with celebration but Easter wasn't a holiday that had much to do with beer. Why not using this as an opportunity to pla Read More
