Helene Binet is a architectural photographer and she only work with film, she has been photographing contemporary architecture for more than twenty years, she really captures on the unique of architecture, to feeling of a building through light and shadow, also show the textures, corners and curves. Which communicate the space and angles, make the detail for architectural using black and white, to show up the original look of the architectures. 
According to binet's photography style and appearance, I adjusted the colour of the photo to black and white. In the photo that lost color, it is more able to highlight the details and architectural features in the photo through light, shadow and shape.

Train track: This picture of the train track highlights the dynamic echo between static buildings.

Traffic light: This two rectangles reflect the neatness of the building and echo the lights in the photo.

Building: This photo shows the close-up details of the building, the scenery that has been far away.

Central station: This circular shape gives a feeling of entering, and the curves further reflect the action.

Pathway: This photo shows a pathway clearly with black and white colour.

Helene Binet, 2012,  Start Architects Isolated, Composing Space: The Photographs of Helene Binet, Phaeton Press

