This project was all about taking an ordinary object and making it extraordinary by focusing on its symbolism in order to create a new cover for an existing book. I chose an origami crane mobile as my object and Memoirs of a Geisha as my book.

Set in Japan in the 1920s, Memoirs of a Geisha is about a young girl, Chiyo, who is sold to a geisha house. She works as a servant until she becomes old enough to be trained as a geisha--a woman who is paid to entertained men through traditions of art, dance, and song. However upon becoming a geisha, Chiyo learns of the darker side. Her virginity is auctioned off to the highest bidder. Eventually she has an illegitimate child, moves to New York City, and opens her own teahouse for a somewhat happy ending.

I chose this photograph to represent this book because origami is part of Japanese tradition.The allure of the origami crane and hanging beads nods towards to beauty and artistry associated with geishas. However the slightly skewed and shadowy coloration of the image hints at the darker side that is buried beneath the beauty.

Below are some other concept photographs that were explored.

Book Cover

Book Cover

Redesigned cover for classic book
