Macro photography, 60x90cm

The word “reflections” can offer more than just one meaning. This is the term we use to describe an image on a smooth, mirror-like surface; other times that same term stands for influence or consequence; it can also mean recreation. I however interpret reflection as an independent reality, which is not at all defined by the objects it reflects.

It is a well known fact that the human life is directly connected to the qualities of the water. This is the reason I chose the area of macro photography – particularly of water textures. While developing my abstract objects, I tried taking such pictures, which in a later state would help produce images similar to the multi-color models of the kaleidoscopic reflected mirrors.

If we positioned this abundant in color cylinder against the light, plenty of marvelous shapes can be seen. They are in fact a mirrored image of richly colored objects in various forms. It is real and surreal at the same time.

