Year Three | Studio V
Imaginary Models: Materialisation of the Conceptual, the Conceptualisation of Immaterial.

Tutor: Sjoerd Hoekstra


NIU Chang 
CHAN Chiu Hing Cindy
LAM Wing Nam Fiona​​​​​​​
Italo Calvino’s Le città invisibili [Invisible Cities], first published in 1972 and translated in 1978, explores the fine line between reality and the imaginary aspects of cities within literature. Penned within its pages are the landscapes of 55 urban settings.
The aims of the first project in the Spring Semester are to examine, explore and depict one narrative contained within Invisible Cities, in white paper-card. The focus is to three-dimensionally explore the narratives through tectonics, thickenings, tessellations, laminations, structure, folding, pattern, modularity and pop- up that interpret the spatial quality described in the specific narrative.   
Imaginary Models... | "Eudoxia"

Imaginary Models... | "Eudoxia"


Creative Fields