Michael Barker's profile


Alpha Alter­na­tive School (circa 1979), Pho­tog­ra­pher unknown

Alpha Alternative School 1972/2012
ALPHA Alter­na­tive School, one of the oldest alternative schools in Canada, celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2012. ALPHA—A Lot of Parents Hoping for an Alternative—was unique in the Toronto public school system when it was founded in 1972. It had none of the usual paraphernalia of mainstream education: no homework, grades, or tests. This project pairs black and white childhood portraits taken by F. Robert Openshaw in 1978 alongside present-day portraits of the same people taken at ALPHA during the 40th anniversary reunion by Michael Barker. The portraits are accompanied by texts contributed by the subjects and shaped by Ariel Fielding.

Michael Barker and F. Robert Openshaw

Ariel Fielding

Mag­gie Marrelli (née Garrard) ALPHA 1976 to 1984, ages 4 – 12. Stud­ied Fine Arts. Works in Home Improve­ment. Cre­ates art.
Jamie Leonard ALPHA late 1970s to 1980s, ages 4 – 13. Stud­ied Jour­nal­ism at Ryer­son Uni­ver­sity.
Works in Infor­ma­tion Technology/Server Sup­port. Rides, col­lects, and writes about motorcycles.
Kether Gra­ham (née Beaulieu-Urbanski) ALPHA 1975 to 1979 or 1980, ages 4 – 9.
Stud­ied Law Enforce­ment at Seneca Col­lege, then Bak­ing and Pas­try at George Brown. Works for the City of Toronto.
Jen­nifer Ferrari ALPHA 1973 to 1984, ages 4 – 14. Stud­ied at Trent Uni­ver­sity. Works as an Auto­mo­tive Technician.
Ste­fan Lynch Strassfeld ALPHA 1977 – 1984, ages 5 – 12.
Ran an inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion for kids of LGBTQ par­ents. Stud­ied Nurs­ing at Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, San Fran­cisco.
Works as the direc­tor of the health clinic at Juve­nile Hall, San Francisco.
Flan­nery Fielding ALPHA 1977 to 1985, ages 4 – 11.
Stud­ied Nurs­ing at Ryer­son Uni­ver­sity and Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, San Fran­cisco.
Works as a Nurse Prac­ti­tioner in Pal­lia­tive Care. Cre­ates art, sings, and plays the ukelele.
Craw­ford (Crocky) Teasdale ALPHA 1973 to 1978, ages 7 – 8 & 10 – 11.
Stud­ied at the Royal Con­ser­va­tory of Music.
Works as a graphic designer at Maple Leaf Sports and Enter­tain­ment. Makes music.
Mor­gan Jones-Phillips ALPHA 1975 to 1981, ages 4 – 9.
Stud­ied Lan­guages and Lin­guis­tics at York Uni­ver­sity,
French as a Sec­ond Lan­guage at Uni­ver­sité du Québec à Trois Riv­ières,
and Para­medics at Cen­ten­nial Col­lege.
Works as a Para­medic. Does stand-up comedy.
Lucy Falkner ALPHA 1975 to 1978, ages 4 – 7. Stud­ied dance.
Owns and oper­ates a Van­cou­ver dance com­pany, Rhythm City Pro­duc­tions. Teaches dance.
The full project, including a downloadable photo book containing all of the texts, 
is available for free from michaelbarker.ca


A collection of portraits and interviews with the first generation of alternative school kids at Alpha Alternative School, one of the oldest free Read More
