Terami.com Holding Graphics
Monthly updates.
It felt silly to have a website I never updated. So now I update it once a month.
From March 2011.
From February 2011.
From January 2011.
From December 2010.
From November 2010.  All the above excuses are true and accurate, though significantly oversimplified.  But you figured that part out.
From October 2010.  Photo taken near a rest stop on a road trip from Colorado to California.  I don't remember where.
From September 2010.  Original lyrics from There's A Garden, "Sometimes when I'm falling I reach for weightless things / Breaths of air / Good fortune / Enough Time".
From August 2010.  Photos from day 311 of my 365 self-portrait project.  Very good advice is from my personal journal.
From July 2010.  Portrait from Day 182 of my 365 day self-portrait project.  Music notation from Fable Moon.


I publish a new digital poster on my website each month to let people know that I no longer have a website. Kinda.
