Yonatan Ben Shimon - What are the Benefits of Quantum Computing?

Yonatan Ben Shimon is a partner at Quantum.Capital and an expert in this field.
Quantum computing is the employment of quantum mechanics fundamentals e.g. entanglement and superposition in the processing of complex and massive datasets. As opposed to using classical computers, quantum computers are used to harness the principles of quantum mechanics in order to preform both physical and theoretical computations. Quantum computers are faster than classical ones when it comes to solving complex computations and often incorporate variables that are seemingly unlimited. The power of quantum computing is reliant on the computer’ ability to manipulate and generate qubits or quantum bits.

What are the types of quantum computing?
Yonatan Ben Shimon: Quantum computing is categorized into 3 main types, with the differentiating factors being; timeline to commercial viability, qubits or processing power required and scope of applications. They are;
Universal quantum computing- the universal quantum computer is most powerful but the most difficult to build. It can solve both simulating and annealing equations and give a quick solution.
Quantum simulations- this type of quantum computing focuses on the exploration of specific problems in the field of quantum physics that classical computers couldn’t hack.
Quantum annealing- it exploits the most efficient configuration among all the variables making it the best suited for optimization problems.
The four primary quantum computing models include; topographical quantum computer, one-way quantum computer, quantum gate array and adiabatic quantum computer.

Yonatan, What are the benefits of quantum computing?
Yonatan Ben Shimon: There are various benefits of quantum computing, some of which have been demonstrated by the first commercial breakthrough of quantum computing by IBM. These benefits run across various fields including healthcare, cybersecurity, financial sector, cloud computing and agriculture.
In the agricultural sector, quantum computing will be used in the efficient manufacturing of fertilizer. Quantum computers would have little problem digitally testing and analyzing catalytic solutions to identify the most optimal catalyst combination that is both effective and efficient.
The financial sector is heavily reliant on algorithms based on assumptions and probabilities when it comes to the performance of markets and portfolios. With quantum computing, data blind spots are eliminated thereby preventing unfounded assumptions that could lead to losses. It also helps to solve complex optimization problems including fraud detection and portfolio risk optimization, resulting in attractive portfolios with lower risks. Quantum computing is also used in financial forecasting models through running Monte Carlo simulations.

Currently, electronic communications and sensitive data is kept secure using cryptographic codes. Quantum computers can be used to break these codes but most importantly employ quantum encryption to protect data from quantum hacking. Quantum encryption is the process of sending entangled protons in Quantum Key Distribution over long distances for the securing of sensitive communications.
Quantum cloud computing is an emerging trend that simplifies programming to enable quantum machine access that is low cost. It is promising and major corporations like Alibaba and google are pursuing it.

What is your onclusion, Yonatan?
Yonatan Ben Shimon: Quantum computing is steadily growing and its scope of applications are greatly incasing. The ability of quantum computers to find optimum solutions for infinite variables brings them to the core of most quantum computing commercial applications. With companies on the brink of quantum supremacy, classical computers may soon be a thing of the past.

Thanks, Yonatan Ben Shimon, a partner at Quantum.Capital and an expert in this field.
Yonatan Ben Shimon

Yonatan Ben Shimon


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