My name is Ana Rego, a third year photography student and this is my PAP, my final year project. I decided to portrait music and its connection with people, them being the artist on stage or the crowd, I want to give the feeling of the nervous melancholy we all feel when we see a show. I can’t lie when I tell you my work was hard, not in terms of photographing but in the connection with the people I worked with. I started this project with a Portuguese tribute band to Pantera, Beyond Strength. The venue where they played in was a hard one, there was really pour or almost not any lighting on stage and that really downgraded my pictures itself. The pictures worked mostly fine but there was an important part of my work that was missing, the interview and some backstage portraits of them, but that’s where the connection part comes in. They didn’t answer my emails or my text or my calls… So I had to start all over again, this time with an original band, Stumblr, they rapidly answered my messages and were open about being the subjects of my project and I’m glad I had the chance to make this work with them because after all. I made five new friendships. So the work atually came along pretty well, it was made in for parts the backstage interview, documentary photography of them on stage, individual portraits of them and has a band and them some double-exposure shots of them that simbolizes the music that they create and how it comes from their interior feelings and angst.
Stumblr is the message i want to pass, it's something i want to get notice, of how hard it is to create and be heard without selling yourself to the industry. That's what i what to show, that there's talented people out there, who struggle to create and be rejected but that doesn't matter has long has it truthful and it matters to you.

This is the layout of my dossier that contains all the steps i had to do to, to make this project, the interview, inspirations and a motivation letter.