Project based on a study of CHILD PSYCHOLOGY, whose application on the final product led to its effectiveness.
The project proposes a WAY OF PLAY for children between the ages of 2 and 8 which helps the child’s PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT and promotes the EDUCATIONAL VALUE through the play time.
The system is composed of prefabricated elements that allow VARIABULITY of paths according to the site conditions. The child can freely interact with the structure, both; inside and outside of it.
The external structure is rigid and stable, as opposed to the inside that is covered with a soft textile membrane. This combination between the hard and soft surfaces creates a contrast in purpose to stimulate different types of movement and improve the child’s BALANCE.
Also, inside the paths, there is a game of COLOR (light and reflections) EFFECTS that stimulates CREATIVITY and teaches the child about  VISUAL PERCEPTION.
The game encourages the child to EXPERIMENT  different sensations so that, the new information will be deposited in the long-term memory through the senses.
4 modules that allow the construction of various paths
Combination of textile parts
Standardised and simple mounting systems 
Color, light and reflections efects-game.
Inside of a fitted module
A possible configuration


A game system for urban recreational activities. Project based on a study of child psychology.
