Porsche 911 - Sound of Legend

Exceptional cars require a unique setting. This is why the Polish Premiere of the new Porsche 911 took place in a memorable venue - the Shakespeare Theater in Gdansk. The visual show was accompanied by music composed specifically for this occasion by artist Andrzej Smolik. 

We were invited to participate in this special project and had created complete visual design for this event. The video content was produced based on the Porsche archival materials and based on the 3D renders created by our team. The show was filled with camera filters created in Notch VFX to combine Andrzej Smolik’s music live act with the sound of the new Porsche 911. 

Working on this project was a great challenge but at the same time a great pleasure.


Design & Animation: Piloci Studio
Notch VFX: Piloci Studio
Client: Porsche
Executive Producer: Walk Events
Director: Szymon Łosiewicz
Multimedia: VES
Video coverage during event: Grzegorz Jakubowski (2Vision)
Venue: The Shakespeare Theater in Gdansk

Piloci Studio Team:

CEO/ Art Director: Hubert Kaszycki
Production Director: Bernard Wójcik
CG Artists: Bernard Wójcik, Eugeniusz Sinicyn, Katarzyna Drozd
Motion Graphics Artists: Patryk Zimończyk, Amadeusz Ferduła, Artur Kiraga
Notch VFX Designers: Tomasz Liszkowski, Andrzej Tomaszewski
Creative Director: Adam Nyk
Porsche 911 - Sound of Legend