Tim Murakami's profileRahul Sawant's profile

Exxon/Mobile - Clear

The world is becoming overcrowded. How can we address the issues surrounding overcrowding and transportation?
Incentivizing employers to allow their workforce to adjust their schedules to fit their commute. Because people get grumpy stuck in traffic. And we all know grumpy people are less productive.
Art Direction - Rahul Sawant & Tim O'Connell
Creative Strategy - Dudley Duberry
Copywriting - Tim Murakami
Submitted to Young Glory 2013 - October
Exxon/Mobile - Clear
Everyday 100 million people in the US drive to work.
All these people traveling to the same place creates traffic jams, wasting of 1.9 billion gallons of gas.
Which 7.9 billion dollars annually.
While damaging our fragile ecosystem.
In 2010 a twelve day traffic jam left commuters stranded in China, and it’s only getting worst.
But Exxon Mobile sees a solution and it’s Clear.
By allowing them to adjust their shifts, commuting can be cut down drastically.
This minimizes travel time, while maximizing productivity.
Producing less exhaust, while preserving a precious resource.
And turns road rage, into happy hour.
We know times are hard, and as a thank you for helping lower greenhouse gases in your neighborhood, Exxon Mobile will offer discounted fuel costs to employees of your company.
Because we all have a part to play in using fuel wisely.
We believe a simple shift of time, that works in LA, could also work in Beijing.
And through smart insight and timely execution – Exxon Mobile spreads ideas that work in a growing world.
Exxon Mobile – Clear. Protecting Tomorrow. Today.
Exxon/Mobile - Clear

Exxon/Mobile - Clear

Turn rush hour into happy hour. Change the "working" mindset, by shifting your shift. And let you boss think it was their idea.
