Here you can see a showroom of my works as digital coloristFor more specific works as colorist, see also my project gallery:

Each works is  © to respective publishers and artists.

Story: R. Harrington
Art: D.E. Mendoza
Colors: Alessi
Civil War II-Xmen ©Marvel, this is a personal study.
Story: C. Bunn
Art: Andrea Broccardo
Colors: Alessi

WrappedUP #6 ©Scheidt-McMahon  ©LionForge
Story: D. Scheidt
Art: Y. Mercado
Colors: Alessi
Dragons ©Titan, this is a personal study.
Story: S. Furman
Art: Iwan Nazif
Colors: Alessi
Dragonero Adventures ©Bonelli Test color pages
Story: L. Enoch
Art: R. Crosa
Colors: Alessi
Sleigher - Issue1 ©Harrington/Eneas, ActionLab
Story: Robert Harrington
Art: Axur Eneas
Colors: Alessi
More pages here
Baguette&Bonton multi-media comics series ©Satragno
Story: M.Toraldo
Colors: Alessi
This is a color test pages for two french project.
Story: Nathaniel Legendre
Pencils: Giulia Lalli
Colors: Alessi
Those are a color test pages for french projects.
Nathan Never  © Bonelli Editore, this is personal study
Story: S. Piani
Art: G. Bonazzi
Colors: Alessi
Dragonero  © Bonelli Editore, Test colors pages
Story: S. Vietti
Art: G. Pagliarani
Colors: Alessi
Dragonero ©Bonelli, this is a personal study.
Story: S. Vietti
Art: A. Buscaglia
Colors: Alessi

Motards à Jamais  ©Delcourt, this is personal study
Story: C. Xavier
Pencils and ink: Fabio Lai
Colors: Alessi
Downtown Ballers
story: M. Ventura
pencils: Pandozi
colors: Alessi
Millenaire ©Les Humanoides Associés, this is a personal study.
Pencils and Ink: Francois Miville-Deshenes
Story: Richard D. Nolane
Colors: Alessi
Pencils and Ink: D.Crisse
Colors: Alessi,  this is a personal study.
Je suis Cathare ©Delcourt, this is a personal study. Click here (and follow on "Di tutti i colori" link) to find the b/n page.
Pencils and Ink: Alessandro Calore
Script: Makyo
Colors: Alessi
pencils&ink:Marc Laming
Script: Jeff Parker
from "KINGS WATCH", here the original art.

colors: Alessi


You can see here how I work as comics colorist. Personal study, test and works.
