In this project we were given 8 random letter pairs to work with. Our choice of typeface determined the difficulty and the outcome of our work – italics were easier in general. Look into type anatomy, finding ways of connection and in the end finding a word to use these uncommon ligatures – these were the challenges in this project. I loved this project for the process of rendering something new from two existing elements. 

An additional task was to make compositions or patterns with the new-born ligature. This did not come easy to me, but when I finally pushed myself in action it became so …. I think, this was my favorite project throughout the typography course and it was worth returning and create a finished piece of it.
The dn ligature became my favorite. I never considered Palatino Linotype a remarkable font, but then I discovered its beauty. I found this Swedish word meaning “the newspaper” and it took me with Palatino to create bonus ligatures.


Ligature design at the post graduation typography course at Metropolitan University
