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How To: Add a Crayon Effect to Your Illustrations

How To
Add a Crayon Effect to Your Illustrations
I love the cleanliness and flexibility of vector illustration. But sometimes, it just feels… too perfect. The grit and texture that come with raw sketches usually get lost translation.

Today, I’ll show you how to easily bring your creations to life with a crayon effect, using Adobe Illustrator only.

Let’s get started! 🚀
👉 Read the entire tutorial on Medium 👈
Before > After
Step 1
Open a copy of your original vector illustration in Adobe Illustrator. (Wouldn’t want any accident happening, right? 😘)
Step 2
Open the Brushes panel (Window > Brushes) and check Show Art Brushes in the panel menu.
👉 Read the rest of the tutorial on Medium 👈
How To: Add a Crayon Effect to Your Illustrations

How To: Add a Crayon Effect to Your Illustrations
