Michal Konopko's profile

Silesia (czyli Siemianowice slaskie nieopodal Katowic)

Silesia (czyli Slask poprostu)
I took these photos during my October stay in Poland.

I was walking around Siemianowice Slaskie, weather was really unfriendly. Cold, rainy, cloudy and windy but atmosphere of the city wonderful. Place really worth visiting.

Day first, park, some people shouting somewhere, getting dark, orange lamps and chilly wind.
Day first,  rainy and cloudy afternoon, old buildings, bars in windows.
Day second, sunny morning, chilly wind, wet grass in the park and cold hands, another sculpture with cross, boredom.
Day third, rainy and cold, mist, sad trees in the park and dust on the walls.
Day fourth, nice and fresh air, sun on the blue sky but cold wind in my pockets.
Day fifth, dark street, empty windows, small church and a red-hair lady with fat puppy.
Silesia (czyli Siemianowice slaskie nieopodal Katowic)

Silesia (czyli Siemianowice slaskie nieopodal Katowic)

Sillesia walking project
