En honor a la verdad, debo confesar que constantemente me encuentro con gente tímida, los típicos “low-talkers” que susurran lo que piensan, como si les diera vergüenza pronunciarse, aún cuando generalmente son personas con ideas geniales. Este “Shy-radar” que parece me implanté  sobre la cabeza, me ha imantado también hacia la timidez que padecen los coches que se pasean a diario por la calle.
Son muchas las historias que han podido transportar estos coches de un lado al otro y mucha la sabiduría que albergan, aunque la timidez les haga permanecer en silencio. Algunas veces mis ojos les han pillado, asomando sus curiosas narices desde una esquina con discreción, como queriendo soltar aquello que no se atreven a decir… una vez escuché a uno que decidió desahogarse. Se trataba de un coche japonés y no comprendí nada de lo que me contó, pero me sentí halagado de que hubiese reunido el valor para confesarse.
To say the truth, I must confess that I often find myself with shy people, the typical "low-talkers" that whisper what they think, as if talking gave them embarrassment, even if they are generally people with great ideas. This "Shy-radar" that I apparently implanted on my head, has attracted me towards the shyness which cars that drive around the street feel.
There are plenty of stories that have taken these cars to and fro, and a lot of wisdom they carry, even though their shyness makes them keep quiet. Sometimes my eyes have caught them, sticking out their inquisitive noses from corners with discretion, as if wanting to say that which they don't dare to... once i heard one that decided to vent his emotions. It was a Japanese car, and I didn't understand anything of what he told me, but I felt flattered that he mustered the courage to confess.




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