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Old School New Body Review

Silent Heart Attack Symptoms - Why Didn't I Feel a Thing?

Increased blood circulation causes the heart to pump out more amount of blood than usual, causing heart palpitations, blurred vision, white spots or blindness. Of the people who suffer from hypertension, approximately 1% have what is known as malignant hypertension. This is considered a medical emergency and needs immediate care to prevent heart attack or stroke. Hypertension may go untreated for years because the person may not even know they have high blood pressure. This can result in damage to the heart, eyes or kidneys, as well as lead to angina pain. To avoid any complications of high blood pressure is to prevent or control it with the help of your doctor and a health diet consisting of fresh vegetables, fruits, wholegrain and low-fat dairy products.

If you are a person who is exposed to much stress, this must also be controlled. Some hypertension is caused by stress, and this is never good for anyone. Too much of it will have an adverse effect on your health whether or not you have high blood pressure. It just makes sense to cut anything or anyone out of your life who causes undo stress to your health, accept for your children. That is stress you just have to live with and manage some how. They are yours for 18 years. Maybe you have a relative who has a yourself and send them there...just kidding.

Among the many spices that are known to mankind is Cayenne pepper, and not many people know about its efficiency and benefits. Those who have been suffering from heart related problems and disorders should be quite familiar with this spice. They virtually go hand-in-hand. Owing to the presence of many artificial methods of curing heart diseases in the United States, not many people out there understand that this natural spice can indeed be one of their best bets in helping curing their medical problems. Though these spices are used as condiments for cooking in all corners of the globe, their main strength lies in helping attack deadly diseases related to the heart.

Cayenne pepper is a multi-faceted spice that is known by different names (in its original form) like Spanish pepper, American red pepper, African red pepper, bird pepper and so on. These spices have been used in helping medical related problems like heart attacks, hemorrhage, colds, heart diseases, high and low blood pressure, ulcers, indigestion and so on. Its benefits for the heart are worth mentioning. Cayenne pepper generally tends to have an immediate positive effect on the circulatory system while it introduces certain vital elements into different structures like veins, capillaries, arteries and so on. These elements can be used to clean the arteries present in the heart and can also be used when the person's blood pressure is on a high.

Old School New Body Review

Old School New Body Review


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