A crafty marriage of 2 ideas and concepts. One is based on the verb CAN. An ability to do something. Being that the nature of the can, ENABLES the consumer to be more flexible. Portability and ease of use majorly come to mind. The second is the noun CAN, the container or receptacle that is used to bear a specific content.
A third reason, is partly coming off the popularization of the phrase YES YOU CAN, that swept the incumbent head of state of the USA, into power. A message that resonates as well as it is current and with the times.
This idea shows the separation or differentiation of the product from those existing in the marketplace. Standing out from that which is bland and boring.
A typical retail ad that shows the effect of coolness.


Product Advertising. Agency was given the task of coming up with communication to create the buzz around the newest kid on the shelf, the Skol 5 Read More
