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OTS - Still Life Tethering

Still life Tethering Class 
In our second session of On the Screen we learnt about how to tether our cameras to our laptops and how to create folders that our images automatically get sorted into while we are taking photos, to keep the work flowing and keep organised. 

Also a chance to refresh what we had learnt with our studio work for Vice Magazine and then the shoot that we completed with our second years. We got into small groups and were each giving a product to shoot still life with.
My group got a watch to shoot with and a roll of blue background paper, the first thing that we found difficult was how to set up the watch on the background so that it was robust enough to photograph.
Originally we were going to wrap the watch around the roll of paper, then we realised that wrapping it around the roll wasn’t going to work as that watch clasp didn’t fully come apart.
We ended up half unrolling the paper to make another roll next to it so that we could balance the watch in between. Trouble was that the watch was too heavy and so kept falling off, I thought about trying to cut up some carboard and curling it to put in the middle of the watch so that it was firm enough to balance better and look better while photographing.

We used a macro lens on our phase one, with two lights one from behind at an angle to light it up and then another behind the camera at an angle to reduce the amount of glare that we got on the watch face. 
The challenge we had with the light was the glare coming from the watch face, we realised that we would need a diffuser on the light behind the camera so that the light was spread out more refusing the harsh glare. 
We then had to move the diffused light at an angle that was faced more towards the side of the camera which worked at removing most of the glare on the watch face
OTS - Still Life Tethering

OTS - Still Life Tethering


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