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5 Reasons for Depression Outcomes in Youth

Depression is the continuous state of mental sadness and a lack of interest in life. It is due to unhealed emotional undertakings or persistent fear of lagging behind peers. Depression if not given the proper attention and not treated on time can become a forever mental illness. Therefore, understanding the causes of depression among youth and offering solution needs an immediate attention. Below are the five reasons why youth is susceptible to depression.

1.   Peer pressure:
In the contemporary world where materialist approach to life is steady fast, among youth the fear of social interaction is rising exponentially. A sense of popularity and a thirst for fame makes youth prone to negative feelings such as not fitting in their friend’s zone. Majority of young people who cannot afford luxury feel left out from the group of friends who can afford a good life comparatively.

2.   Existential crisis:  Not being able to find the purpose of life easily gets youth depressed. From student to job life everything that people do, don't get them a sense of inner peace. This sense of meaningless life gives youth a reason to lose interest in the world leading, in the long run, into the state of depression.

3.   Social stigmas: Societal expectations vs. individual desires don't match. Fame driven careers load youths head with unwanted feelings of helplessness. Everything they do don't get appreciated and cherished in society eventually makes them prone to depression.

4.   Trauma: Bullying in schools and other working areas stick to the mind of youth making them fall mental sick easily. This leads to a broken emotional state from where life misses the essence of beauty leading youth to the state of depression.

5.   Write my essay: Struggling with finding a  credible friend who can help with  assignments is depressing. Also truck load of  projects and studies are making depression new norm for students.
5 Reasons for Depression Outcomes in Youth

5 Reasons for Depression Outcomes in Youth


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