Shopify Emails

Shopify Email Illustrations
Better late than never right? 
Here's a collection of illustrations for an assortment of emails that are sent out to merchants using Shopify. 
The Shopify Illustration team is: Holly Schofield, Ryan Coleman, Erin Moncrieff & Alek Mackie
Special appearance from Meg Robichaud
Onboading Emails
Webinar - Meg Robichaud  | . Blog articles - Ryan Coleman
Taxes & Shipping | Time Management | Add Payments | Choose a Theme | Add a Domain | Sales Channels  - Ryan Coleman
Add a Product - Meg Robichaud | Apps - Erin Moncrieff | Setup Checklist  - Ryan Coleman
Announcement Emails
BOGO | Abandoned Cart | HAIR! - Holly Schofield
Rating | Merchant Visit | Klarna | No Fees | Multi Currency | Shopify Payments - Erin Moncrieff
Retail Newsletter # 1  - Ryan Coleman
Unused Retail Newsletter #1 illo - Ryan Coleman
Retail Newsletter #2  - Holly Schofield
Retail Newsletter #3 - Alek Mackie
Shopify Emails