TOMA2 is a set of cocktail glasses inspired by an element of Mexican popular culture, a game of coexistence that dates back to childhood, it aims to generate coexistence , make a game of an everyday object and in turn trace an element of popular culture evoking and generating moments of happiness and joy
It consists of retaking the traditional game of the pirinola, with an interesting twist, in which the players bet shots to the rules of TOMA 1, TOMA 2, TODOS TOMAN ...

The glass alludes to the silhouette and movement of this game, retaking the functional and aesthetic principles to find a piece of EMOTIVE design.

A National Design competition organized by Cerámica La Mejor, Design Week Mexico and Kickstarter Mexico fostering young Mexican Designers while exploring future scenarios and visions through Design-Art ceramic pieces. This piece has been exhibited at Tamayo Museum during Inédito, a platform created to promote talent by DWM.
Toma 2

Project Made For

Toma 2

TOMA2 is a set of cocktail glasses inspired by an element of Mexican popular culture, a game of coexistence that dates back to childhood.
