Ricardo Isotton's profile

Information Security

Internal campaign to make employees aware of the importance of care and good practices in protecting internal information and documents and the risks and damages they can cause to the company. Initially it was created for Monsanto, but unfortunately it was canceled and not presented due to its junction with another company. But it can be adapted and negotiated with another company of the sector, if there is interest.

Monsanto is a technology and research company in agriculture, and the visual idea of the campaign is to show in a metaphorical way the damage that pests can cause in the field as well as information security if they are not combated. With a sharp and direct message.


Campanha interna com objetivo de conscientizar os colaboradores sobre a importância do cuidado e as boas práticas na proteção das informações e documentos internos e os riscos e danos que podem causar à empresa. Inicialmente ela foi criada para a Monsanto, mas infelizmente foi cancelada e nem apresentada devido a junção dela com outra empresa. Mas pode ser adaptada e negociada com outra empresa do setor, caso haja interesse.

A Monsanto é uma empresa de tecnologia e pesquisa na agricultura, e a ideia visual da campanha é mostrar de uma forma metafórica os danos que as pragas podem causar no campo assim como na segurança da informação, caso não sejam combatidas. Com uma mensagem nítida e direta.

The campaign also consists of other pieces of communication and actions with employees.

Office Decoration
Intranet Campaign
Screen Savers

And actions like:

Videos and lectures with specialists
Good practice scoring program
Periodical Seminars
among others.
Information Security

Information Security

Internal campaign for Information Security
