500 meters above the ground, rock climbers challenge to defy gravity, fear and beliefs. Striving to achieve something bigger, higher and harder has been playing a central part of rock climbing.
In this project, I have created series of tree houses that serve as milestones and pauses for rock climbers to rest. The houses have taken the typographic forms and are placed along the rock-climbing routes that are normally hard to achieve in a very short time. Each letter serves as one milestone that signifies one step up on the mountain.
The font of the Tend house is helvetica.
Concept sketch of fonts on the tree
Components of Tent house. (laser cutting )
The interior of the houses by each letter
The concept of connection each part which comes from.
Each part connects with soft material
Depend on the space of rock and tree, the rail can be build in various shapes.
Scale of Tent house
How do they access to the Tent house?
Tent House

Tent House

500 meters above the ground, rock climbers challenge to defy gravity, fear and beliefs. Striving to achieve something bigger, higher and harder h Read More
