In the competitive field of Graphic Design how does one go about making a resume that stands out above the rest? How can you show your creativity, innovation, and ability to think outside the box with a single glance? This is my personal project that does just that. I created a highly unorthodox resume that mentally and physically can't be mixed in with the piles of other designer resume's. My resume was built to be an "on the table" ornament. Influenced by my second major "Japanese", I created a solid scroll resume to showcase my passion and creativity.
It takes approximately 8hrs for a batch of 4 resumes with cutting, drilling, sanding, and burning...
Each scroll is approx. 28inches long and 14 inches wide
2 versions of my scroll resume were made simply for variety. One version having a white exterior and the other having red.
My Insignia created from my Initials TL
A compilation video of the process to make my resume.
Resume Scroll

Resume Scroll

Resume Scroll created to stand out from the others
