Brian Villanueva's profile

SJSU BA Senior Design

The BA Senior Design Course
What I aim to show is not only what I did during my final semester's design class, but the culmination of all that I learned in the Graphic Design program at San Jose State University. This goes beyond compositional and aesthetic skill sets gained over two years of design work. It also speaks on the real life lessons learned beyond the classroom through the personal experience of my many professors, classmates, and even friends made during this time. I learned a lot more than just design work.
Building Awareness
Every individuals outlook on nature, how it is today at least, is predetermined by events in their pasts, their passions today, and what they have dealt in with life. In this work I interviewed a classmate, hi Sarah, and asked her about some of her experiences with water, along with other life probing questions. 

I had two options, to literally depict her life and how she interacts with water, or show it through the use of heavy abstraction. Just as the piece does, I'll let you explore yourself to figure out which route I decided to take. 
Discovering The Relationship Between Design and Human Experience
The calling intention is a powerful tool provided to us by our professor, hats off to you, Professor English, as she taught us using her own, and quite personal, sea change design  program. This gave each individual their OWN intention in which they will, whether they realize it or not, be designing with for the rest of their lives. Although it may not be direct it will still be at least an outlet for the individual to showcase their creative will in relation to a design approach. 

My goal is to help anyone see the choices they make and how to better all aspects of life. 
Organizing Your Callings Into Organizational Intentions
Working with your own intention is hard as it is, but throw in three or four more individuals with their own goals in design and you get, for a lack of better terms, a mess. This group project aimed not only to continue our refinement in design, but to get in the mindset of the actual work place and coexist with other highly motivated designers to fulfill the goals of the company.  

To do this, we, as a group, fabricated our own company and designed a presentation/book to promote an artifact. All aspects were considered from who would be working in our company, what our artifact was, who interacted with it, and the impact we aimed to achieve. Our goal: To raise awareness with the realities of freshwater to promote a recyclable and efficient lifestyle, in which will be globally appropriated and help with the ongoing water crisis. 
The Process Book
A physical manifestation of the concepts, trial and error, and decisions over the whole semester. Speaking back to the calling intention, I feel the teal/turquoise color really fit not only the intention itself, but a lot of what I design for in general. A little fun fact and further evidence for what I mentioned earlier. 
SJSU BA Senior Design

SJSU BA Senior Design
